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Over 250 papers are available.

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Hemodynamic monitoring: To calibrate or not to calibrate? Part 1 - Calibrated techniques

Hemodynamic monitoring: To calibrate or not to calibrate? Part 1 - Calibrated techniques

Yannick Peeters, Jelle Bernards, Michael Mekeirele, Britta Hoffmann, Marijke De Raes, Manu L.N.G. Malbrain

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Methodological background and strategy for the 2012-2013 updated consensus definitions and clinical practice guidelines from the abdominal compartment society

Methodological background and strategy for the 2012-2013 updated consensus definitions and clinical practice guidelines from the abdominal compartment society

Andrew W. Kirkpatrick, Derek J. Roberts, Roman Jaeschke, Jan De Waele, Bart De Keulenaer, Juan Duchesne, Martin Bjorck, Ari Leppaniemi, Janeth C. Ejike, Michael Sugrue, Michael Cheatham, Rao Ivatury, Chad G. Ball, Annika Reintam Blaser, Adrian Regli

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It is time to consider the four D's of fluid management

It is time to consider the four D's of fluid management

Manu L.N.G. Malbrain, Niels Van Regenmortel, Radoslaw Owczuk

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